02/07/2024, Jae Kim and Ruochen Liu’s paper on the associative learning has been published. Congratulation!
10/25/2023, Congratulating Dr. Ruochen Liu starting a new position as faculty in Beijing University of Technology!
10/25/2023, Congratulating Chongjie Gao’s paper on reconfigurable soft battery just published on the “Energy Storage Materials’ !
10/02/2023, Congratulating Ruochen for successful defensing the dissertation!
08/23/2023, Dr. Wang is leading a sustainable materials and manufacturing grant from the OESI/Department of Interior(Award #E21AC00000-00) together with Co-PIs Jenny and Marcelo!
08/22/2023, Dr. Wang is receiving a water research grant from Texas Water Institute as a lead PI. Thanks for our collaborators, co-PIs: Anish, Girisha and Jenny!
08/21/2023, Welcome new PhD student, Xiaofei Wu!
09/13/2022, Congratulation! Wei’s paper on low-grade heat harvesting has been accepted for publication in Materials Today Energy!
On Sept 1,2022, Aolin Hou passed the Qualification Exam, congratulation!
On Aug 30,2022, Jae Kim passed the Qualification Exam, congratulation!
On Aug 19, 2022, Prashant Dhakal passed the Qualification Exam, congratulation!
On August 12, 2022, Wei Li Graduated with Ph.D. degree! Congratulation!