128. J. Ma, S. Qiu, G. Wrights, S. Wang, Oxygen/Nitric Oxide Dual-Releasing Nanozyme for Augmenting TMZ-mediated Apoptosis and Necrosis, Molecular Pharmaceutics,(In-press)
127. J. Ma, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Responsive materials-enhanced intranasal delivery of drugs into brain tumor, Matter, 7,2684-2686, (2024), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.matt.2024.05.022
126. Prashant Dhakal, Xiaofei Wu, Jae Gwang Kim, Aolin Hou, Shiren Wang, Bridging Synapses: A Comparative Review of Machine Learning Algorithms in Memristor Technology, Journal of Neuromorphic Intelligence, 1, 31-37(2024)
125. Prashant Dhakal, Ruochen Liu, Jae Gwang Kim, Aolin Hou, Xiaofei Wu, Shiren Wang, Data-Efficient Machine Learning for in-situ Curing-aided Additive Manufacturing, Journal of Neuromorphic Intelligence, 1, 21-30(2024)
124. Xiaofei Wu, Prashant Dhakal, Jae Gwang Kim, Aolin Hou, Shiren Wang, Transition Metal Dichalcogenides-Based Memristors for Neuromorphic Electronics, Journal of Neuromorphic Intelligence, 1, 1-8(2024)
123. Ruochen Liu, Aolin Hou, Prashant Dhakal, Chongjie Gao, Jingjing Qiu, Shiren Wang, Energy-efficient rapid additive manufacturing of complex geometry ceramics, Journal of Cleaner Production, 452, 142122(2024)
122. Weijia Yan, Ruochen Liu, Caleb Fowler, Shiren Wang, Jingjing Qiu, Multiphysics modeling of frontal curing-enabled additive manufacturing for carbon fiber/thermoset composites, Computational Materials Science,237, 112916(2024)
121. R. Liu, A. hou, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Low-Carbon Manufacturing of Ti–Si–C Ceramics Using Geopolymer-Binder-Integrated Reactive Feedstocks, ACS Sustainable Chemistry and Engineering, 481, 4858-4866(2024)
120. J. G. Kim, R. Liu, P. Dhakal, A. Hou, J. Qiu, C. Merkel, M. Zoran, S. Wang, Heterostimuli chemo-modulation of neuromorphic nanocomposites for time-, power-, and data-efficient machine learning, Matter, 7, 1230-1244,(2024)
119. W. Li, c. Gao, A. Hou, S. Wang, One-Pot in situ Synthesis of Expandable Graphite-Encapsulated Paraffin Composites for Thermal Energy Storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 481, 148541(2024)
118. C. Gao. J. Ma, W. Li, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Structure Engineering-enabled Multi-direction-reconfigurable, Soft, Rechargeable Lithium-ion Battery with Tissue-compliance Low Modulus and High Performance, Energy Storage Materials, 63, 103031(2023)., DOI: 10.1016/j.ensm.2023.103031.
117. Ruochen Liu, Chongjie Gao, Shiren Wang. “Ni/Al Foil-Based Reactive Additive Manufacturing with Fast Rate and High Energy-Efficiency.” Journal of Materials Processing Technology (in-press)., 2023
116. Juejing Liu, Zimeng Zhang, Xiaoxu Li, Meirong Zong, Yining Wang, Suyun Wang, Ping Chen, Zaoyan Wan, Lili Liu, Yangang Liang, Wei Wang, Shiren Wang, Xiaofeng Guo, Emily G. Saldanha, Kevin M. Rosso, Xin Zhang, Machine learning Assisted Phase and Size-controlled Synthesis of Iron Oxides, Chemical Engineering Journal, 145216(2023)
115. W. Li, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Design and fabrication of reconfigurable monodisperse gold/peptide/gold sandwich nanoparticles, Manufacturing Letters, 36, 62-67(2023), DOI:10.1016/j.mfglet.2023.03.003
114.Gao, R. Liu, W. Li, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Collaborative printing and in-situ frontal curing of high-viscosity thermosetting composites, Journal of Manufacturing Process , 89, 1-9(2023), https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2023.01.048
113. R. Liu, J. Kim, P. Dhakal, A. Hou, C. Merkel, S.Wang, Neuromorphic properties of flexible carbon nanotube/Polydimethylsiloxane nanocomposites, Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, 10.1007/s42114-022-00599-9, 6:14(2023)
112. Li, C. Gao, J. Ma, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Simultaneous enhancement of thermopower and ionic conductivity for N-type Fe(III/II) thermocell, Materials Today Energy, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtener.2022.101147 (2022)
111. Zhang, C. Gao, R. Liu, J. Qiu, Z Pei, S. Wang, 3D Printing of Frontal-polymerized Multiscale Epoxy Thermoset and Composites, Manufacturing Letters 33, 640-643(2022), DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mfglet.2022.07.079, 2022
110. Yao Tang, Shengzhou Jin, Sai Zhang, Guan-Zhao Wu, Jia-Yin Wang, Ting Xu, Yu Wang, Daniel Unruh, Kazimierz Surowiec, Yanzhang Ma, Shiren Wang, Courtney Katz, Hongjun Liang, Yunze Li, Weilong Cong, and Guigen Li, Multilayer 3D Chiral Folding Polymers and Their Asymmetric Catalytic Assembly, Research, https://doi.org/10.34133/2022/9847949 (2022)
109. W. Li, J. Ma., J. Qiu, S. Wang, Thermocells for low-grade heat harvesting: challenge, progress and prospect, Materials Today Energy https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mtener.2022.101032 (2022)
108. Z. Zhang, S. Wang, catalyzed frontal polymerization-enabled printing of freestanding thermosets ,Additive Manufacturing Letters 2,100030 (2022)
107. Wei Li, Jun Ma, Santiago Garcia, Chongjie Gao, Ruochen Liu, Jingjing Qiu, Feng Zhao, Shiren Wan, Semi-shell Janus nanoparticles-enabled pH-responsive rod-shaped assembly for photothermal therapy, ACS Applied Nano Materials, 5, 1, 871–880(2022)
106. C. Gao, S. Wang, In-situ curing of 3D printed freestanding thermosets, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing https://doi.org/10.1002/amp2.10114(2022)
105. W. Li, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Thermo-Osmotic Iongel-enabled high-efficiency harvesting of low-grade heat, Journal of Materials Chemistry A 9, 15755-15765 (2021)
104. C. Gao, S. Wolff, S. Wang, Eco-friendly additive manufacturing of metal structure, Journal of Manufacturing Systems 60, 459-472(2021)
103. Y. Liu, R. Liu, S. Wang, 4D printing of thermo-responsive structure for environmentally-adaptive radiative cooling and warming, Journal of Advanced Manufacturing and Processing https://doi.org/10.1002/amp2.10107, e10107(2021)
102.Z. Zhang, R. Liu, W. Li, Y. Liu, Z. Pei, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Frontal polymerization-enabled 3D printing of short carbon fiber/DCPD composites composites,Journal of Manufacturing Processing, 71, 753-762(2021)
101. Z. Zhang, R. Liu, W. Li, Y. Liu, L. Zeng, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Direct writing of continuous carbon fiber/epoxy thermoset composites with high strength and low energy-consumption,Additive Manufacturing,47, 102348(2021)
100. Liu, Z. Zhang, S. Wang, Carbon nanopore-tailored reverse osmotic water desalination, ACS ES&T Water, 1, 34-47(2021)
99. Q. Wu, X. Deng, S. Wang & L. Zeng. Constrained varying coefficient model for time course experiments in soft tissue fabrication, Technometrics, 63, 249-262(2021)
98. B. Wang, Z. Zhang, ZJ Pei, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Current progress of 3D printing of thermosets, Advanced Composites and Hybrids Materials ,3, 462–472 (2020)
97. Y. Liu, W. Li, Z. Zhang, R. Liu, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Water purification performance and energy consumption of gradient nanocomposite membrane, Composites Part B ,202, 108426(2020), DOI:10.1016/j.compositesb.2020.108426
96. M. He, Y. Wang, S. Wang, S. Luo, Laser-Induced Graphene Enabled 1D Fiber Electronics, Carbon,168, 308-318(2020)
95. J. Ma, J. Qiu, S.Wang, Nanozymes for Catalytic Cancer Immunotherapy, ACS Applied Nano Materials , 3, 4925–4943(2020)
94. X. Qian, R. Qiu, C. Lu, Y. Qiu, Z. Wu, S. Wang, K. Zhang, Cost-effective yarn-shaped litium-ion battery with high wearability, ACS Omega, 5, 4697(2020)
93. Y. Zhang, Q. Zhang, W. Jin, Y. Jing, X. Chen, X. Han, Q. Bao, Y. Liu, X. Wang, S. Wang, Y. Qiu, C. Di, K. Zhang, Carbon nanotube yarn-based thermoelectric textiles for harvesting thermal energy and powering electronics, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 8, 2984-2994 (2020)
92. S. Su, J. Wang, J. Qiu, R. Martinez-Aguilan, S. Sennoune, S. Wang, In vitro study of transportation of porphyrin immobilized graphene oxide through blood brain barrier, Materials Science and Engineering C , 107, 110313(2020)
91. J. Wang, J. Wei, S. Su, J. Qiu, Z. Hu, M. Hasan, E. Vargas, M. Pantoya, S. Wang, Thermal-recoverable Tough Hydrogels Enhanced by Porphyrin Functionalized Graphene Oxide, Nanomaterials, 9, 1487, 2019
90. Y. Wen, J. Yuan, X. Ma, S. Wang, Y. Liu, Polymeric Nanocomposite Membranes for Water Treatment, Environmental Chemistry Letters ,17, 1539-1551, 2019
89. X. Zheng, L. Yao, Y. Qiu, S. Wang, K. Zhang, Core-sheath Porous Polyaniline Nanorods/Graphene Fiber-Shaped Supercapacitors with High Specific Capacitance and Rate Capability, ACS Applied Energy Materials, 2,4335-4344 ( 2019)
88. J.Wang, J. Qiu, S. Wang, A Novel and Facile Way to Synthesis Diamondoids Nanowire-Cluster Array, J. of Mater. Research, 34,1976-2982(2019)
87. J. Wang, S. Su, J. Qiu, S. Wang, One-Dimensional Fluorescent Nanosized-diamond Nanowires with Fluorescent Detection of Vitamin B 12, Nano brief reports and reviews, 14,1950084(2019)
86. C. Lu, J. Meng, J. Zhang, X. Chen, M. Du, Y. Chen, C. Hou, J. Wang, X. Wang, Y. Qiu, S. Wang, Kun Zhang, Three-Dimensional Hierarchically Porous Graphene Fiber Shaped Supercapacitors with High Specific Capacitance and Rate Capability, ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces, 11, 25205-25217(2019)
85.Z. Zhang, R. Liu, H. Zepeda, S. Wang*, 3D printing of super-strong hydrogel for artificial meniscus, ACS Applied Polymer Materials , 1, 2023-2032(2019) DOI: 10.1021/acsapm.9b00304.
84. Z. Zhang, Q. Wu, L. Zeng, S. Wang*, Modelling-based assessment of 3D Printing-Enabled Meniscus Transplantation, Healthcare 7,69(2019).
83. B. Wang, K. F. Arias, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, Z. Jiang, H.-Jue Sue, N. Currie-Gregg, S. Bouslog, ZJ Pei, S. Wang*, 3D printing of in-situ curing thermosetting materials, Manufacturing Letters 2019, DOI: 10.1016/j.mfglet.2019.06.001
82. Z. Zhang, B. Wang, S. Wang*, Roll-to-roll manufacturing of spatial thermoelectric systems for wearable electronics, Manufacturing Letters ,21, 28-34(2019)
81. L. Wang, J. Zhang, Y. Guo, X. Jin, Q. Yang, S. Wang, Y. Qiu, Fabrication of core-shell nanostructured poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)/carbon nanotube nanohybrids with enhanced thermoelectric power factors, Carbon, 148, 290-296(2019)
80.Y. Liu, Bailey Phillips, Wei Li, Zimeng Zhang, L. Fang, Jingjing Qiu, S. Wang* Fullerene Tailored Graphene Oxide Interlayer Spacing for Efficient Water Desalination, ACS Appl. Nano Mater, 1,6168-6175(2018)
79.L. Wang, Z. Zhang, Y. Liu, B. Wang, J. Qiu, Z. Zhang, S. Wang*, Exceptional thermoelectric properties of flexible organic/inorganic hybrids with monodispersed and periodic nanophase, Nature Communication DOI: 10.1038/s41467-018-06251-9, (2018)
78.L. Wang, Z. Zhang, Linxiao Geng, Tianyu Yuan, Yuchen Liu, Juchen Guo, Lei Fang, Jingjing Qiu, S. Wang*, Solution-printable flexible n-type thermoelectrics, Energy & Environmental Science 11, 1307-1317(2018)
77.X. Hu, K. Zhang, J, Zhang, Y. Qiu, S. Wang, Thermoelectric properties of conducting polymer nanowire-tellurium nanowire hybrids, ACS Applied Energy Materials DOI: 10.1021/acsaem.8b00909 (2018)
76.Mao, W. Chen, J. Meng, K. Zhang, S. Wang, Y. Qiu, Enhanced electrochemical properties of hierarchically sheath-core aligned carbon nanofibers coated carbon fiber yarn electrode-based supercapacitor via polyaniline nanowire array modification, Journal of Power Sources 399, 406-413(2018)
75.J. Meng, W. Nie, K. Zhang, F. Xu, X. Ding, S. Wang, Y. Qiu, Enhancing electrochemical performance of graphene fiber-based supercapacitors by plasma treatment, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 10, 13652-13659(2018)
74. B. Wang, L. Wang, Xi Li, Yuchen Liu, Zimeng Zhang, Erik Hedric, Stephen Safe, Jingjing Qiu, Guohui Lu, Wang*, Template-Free Fabrication of Vertically-Aligned Polymer Nanowire Array on the Flat-end Tip for Quantifying the Single Living Cancer Cells and Nanosurface Interaction, Manufacturing Letters, 16, 27-31(2018)
73. Jing Zhang, Kun Zhang, Wang, Thermoelectric transport in ultrathin poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene) nanowire assembly, Composites Part B, 136, 234-240(2018)
72. Y. Lan, K. Zhang, Y. Qiu, S. Wang, Hierarchically porous sheath-core graphene-based fiber-shaped supercapacitors with high energy density, J. Materials Chemistry A, 6, 896-907(2018)
71. S. Su, J. Wang, J. Wei., J. Qiu, S. Wang*, Thermal conductivity studies of electrophoretically deposited nanodiamond arrays, Materials Science and Engineering B: Solid-State Materials for Advanced Technology, 225, 54–59(2017).
70.X. Li, Q. Liang, W. Zhang, Y. Li, J. Ye, F. Zhao, X. Chen, S. Wang*, Bio-inspired bioactive glasses for efficient microRNA and drug delivery, J. of Mater. Chemistry B, 5, 6376-6384(2017)
69. Z. Zhang, B. Wang, D. Hui, J. Qiu, S. Wang*, 3D bioprinting of soft materials-based regenerative vascular structures and tissues, Composites Part B: Engineering, 123, 279-291(2017)
68.L. Wang, Y. Liu, Z. Zhang, B. Wang, J. Qiu, D. Hui, S. Wang*, Polymer composites-based thermoelectric materials and devices, Composites Part B: Engineering, 122, 145-155(2017)
67. R. Baghi, K. Zhang, S. Wang, L. J. Hope-Weeks, Conductivity tuning of the ITO sol-gel materials by adjusting the tin oxide concentration, morphology and the crystalline size, Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, 244, 258-263(2017)
66.S. Su, J. Wang, E. Vargas, J. Wei, M-Z. Raul, S. Sennoune, M. Pantoya, S. Wang, J. Chaudhuri, J. Qiu, Porphyrin Immobilized Nano-Graphene Oxide for Enhanced and Targeted Photothermal Therapy of Brain Cancer, ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering, 2, 1357–1366(2016)
65. Z. Zhang, J. Qiu, S. Wang*, Roll-to-Roll Printing of Flexible Thin-film Organic Thermoelectric Devices, Manufacturing Letters, 8, 6-10(2016)
64. K. Zhang, J. Qiu, S. Wang*, Thermoelectric Properties of polymer/polymer hybrids, Nanoscale, 8, 8033(2016)
63. K. Zhang, S. Wang*, J. Qiu, X. Zhang, J. Blackburn, B. Weeks, Effect of host-mobility dependent carrier scattering on thermoelectric power factors of polymer composites, Nano Energy 19, 128-137(2016)
62.Wei, J. Wang, S. Su, S. Wang*, J. Qiu*, 3D printing of extremely tough hydrogel, RSC Advance, 5, 81324(2015)
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58.Ning, W. Cong, J. Qiu, J. Wei, S. Wang, Additive manufacturing of carbon fiber filled composites, Composites part B, 80, 369(2015)
57.Zhang, S. Wang*, Y. Cui, X. Zhang, Y. Zhang, J. Qiu, Thermoelectric performance of p-type nanohybrids filled polymers composites, Nano Energy, 13, 327-335(2015)
56. Su, J. Qiu, K. Zhang, S. Wang*, Thermo- and pH-responsive fluorescence behaviors of sulfur-functionalized detonation nanodiamond-poly(N-isopropylacrylamide), Journal of Colloid and Polymer Science, 293, 1299-1305(2015)
55. J. Wang, S. Su, J. Wei, R. Bahgi, L. Hope-weeks, J. Qiu, S. Wang, Ratio-metric sensor to detect riboflavin via fluorescence resonance energy transfer with ultrahigh sensitivity, Physica E: Low-dimensional systems and nanostructures, 72, 17-24(2015)
54. Zhang, K. S. Ziemer, K. Zhang, D. Ramirez, L. Li, S. Wang, L. Hope-Weeks, B. L. Weeks, Large-area Preparation of High-Quality and Uniform Three-Dimensional Graphene Networks through Thermal Degradation of Graphene Oxide-Nitrocellulose Composites, ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces, 7, 1057-1064(2015)
53. K. Zhang, S. Wang*, Fabrication of two-dimensional PEDOT: PSS nanosheets through in-situ formed complex, Nano: Brief Reports and Reviews, 10, 15550011(2015)
52. L. Li, S. Wang*, D. Hui, J. Qiu, Ordered Multiphase Polymer Nanocomposites for High-Performance Solid-State Supercapacitors, Composites Part B 71, 40-44(2015)
51. Wei, J. Qiu, L. Ren, K. Zhang, S. Wang, B. Weeks, Size sorted multicolor fluorescence graphene oxide quantum dots obtained by differential velocity centrifugation, Science of Advanced Materials, 6, 1052-1059(2014)
50. K. Zhang, S. Wang*, “Thermal and electronic transport of semiconducting nanoparticles-functionalized carbon nanotubes”, Carbon, 69, 46-54(2014)
49. Su, S. Wang*, J. Qiu*, Biofunctionalization of nanodiamond through facile cytochrome p450 catalysis, Science of Advanced Materials, 6, 203-208(2014)
48. Mina Bastwros, Gap-yong Kim, Kun Zhang, Wang, Xiaoduan Tang, Xianwei Wang, Effect of ball milling on graphene reinforced Al6061 composite fabricated by semi-solid sintering, Composites Part B, 60,111-118(2014)
47. K. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. Wang*, “Enhancing thermoelectric properties of organic materials through hierarchical nanostructures”, Scientific Reports 3, 3448(2013)
46. J. Carell, H. C. Zhang, S. Wang, D. Tate, “Shape-memory polymer nanocomposites for application of multi-field active disassembly: experiment and simulation”, Environmental Science & Technology 47 (22), 13053–13059(2013)
45. Jia, Z. Zeng, G. Li, X. Yang, S. Wang, Enhancement of ablative and interfacial bonding properties of EPDM composites by incorporating epoxy phenolic resin, Composites: Part B, 54, 234(2013)
44. K. Zhang, Y. Zhang, S. Wang*, Effectively decoupling electric and thermal conductivity of polymer composites, Carbon, 65, 105-111(2013)
43. L. Li, X. Zhang, J. Qiu, B. Weeks, S. Wang*, “Reduced graphene oxide-linked polymer forest for high energy density supercapacitor, Nano Energy, 2, 628-635(2013)
42. L. Ren, J. Qiu, S. Wang*, Photovoltaic properties of graphene Nanodisk-integrated polymer composites, Composites Part B 55, 548-557(2013)
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40. Y. Zhang, W. M. Hikal, Y. Zhang, S. K. Bhattacharia, L. Li, S. Panditrao, S. Wang, B. L. Weeks, Direct laser initiation and improved thermal stability of nitrocellulose/graphene oxide nanocomposites, Applied Physics Letters, 102, 141905(2013)
39. Y. Zhang, L. Ren, K. Zhang, S. Wang*, J. Qiu, “Graphene nanobelt-enhanced organic solar cells”, Science of Advanced Materials 5, 366-372(2013).
38. L. Li, J. Qiu, S. Wang*, “Graphene-pillared polyaniline for supercapacitor electrode”, Soft Materials, 11, 1-7(2013)
37.L. Ren, S. Wang*, M. Holtz, J. Qiu “Synergistic effect of nanocrystals integration and process optimization on solar cell efficiency”, Nanotechnology, 23, 075401(2012).
36. K. Zhang, M. Davis, J. Qiu, L. Hope-Weeks, S. Wang*, “Thermoelectric properties of porous polyaniline nanocomposites”, Nanotechnology 23,385701-8(2012)
35. L. Li, K. Zhang, J. Qiu, S. Wang*, “ Solution assembly of vertically-aligned diamond nanotube array from diamond nanocrystals”, Diamond and Related Materials 29, 79-83(2012)
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29. J. Carrel, D. Tate, S. Wang*, H. Zhang, “Shape-memory polymer snap-fits for actively disassembly”, Journal of Cleaner Production 19, 2066-2074, 2011. )
28. Y. Zhang, L. Ren, S. Wang*, A. Marathe, J. Chaudhuri, G. Li, “Functionalization of graphene through fullerene grafting”, Journal of Materials Chemistry, 21, 5386 – 5391, 2011
27. J. Qiu, S. Wang*, “Enhancing polymer performance through exfoliated graphene”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 119, 3670-3674, 2011.
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19. S. Wang, R. Liang, B. Wang, C. Zhang, “Addition of diethyltoluenediamines onto carbon nanotubes for efficient load-transfer in the nanocomposites”, Polymer Composites, 30, 1050-1057, 2009.
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17. S. Wang, J. Qiu, “Modifying epoxy resin via M-chloroperbenzoic acid epoxidized carbon nanotubes”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 112,3322-3326, 2009
16. S. Wang, R. Liang, B. Wang, C. Zhang, “Dispersion and thermal conductivity of short carbon nanotube composites,” Carbon, 47, 53-57, 2009.
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